We have a reputation for “on time and on budget” performance that induces our clients to come back to us time after time. We recognize that office space is expensive, as a consequence we assume a responsibility to provide products that maximize usable space in order to minimize rental costs whilst creating the ambiance our clients are seeking. We will supply and install products from our comprehensive portfolio comprising, where possible, sustainable materials from responsible sources.

The Building Regulations and CDM considerations can be daunting to the uninitiated, we are happy to liaise with the local Authority and Health & Safety Executive on all matters relating to our clients office refurbishment project.

One certainty in business is change and change demands a flexible approach to space management. The primary considerations are as follows:



  • Partitioning
  • Storage wall
  • Ceilings
  • Access floors
  • Floor coverings
  • Electrical services
  • Lighting
  • Data networking
  • Decorating
  • Bespoke joinery















Partnering with LABC Horhsam




Partnering with Horsham Council